infusing hope ~ imparting knowledge ~ instilling courage
​​​​​​​About JNash Ministries
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Jamie's Story . . .
"I was rescued, not arrested."
Jamie Nash was released from prison for meth and gun possession charges on February 18, 2009. His meth use began in 1988 and ended seventeen years later at his sentence hearing in 2005.
Obviously, God has a plan for Jamie. He kept him alive during seventeen years of meth use placing him in the 2% of former meth users who have not again succumbed to its death grip.
Now Jamie uses his priceless gift of freedom to reach captives of addiction with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He educates those who minister to addicts and encourages those who have left that life behind. Jamie is indebted to his pastor Quentin Beard, of Pittsfield Assembly who is a constant friend and mentor. Jamie highly recommends his 5-steps to freedom, we serve a 1-step God.
Through hollow eyes Jamie Nash watched methamphetamine, his closest friend for seventeen years, bail on him as his life crashed into the penal system. "Thirty years to be served concurrently" said the judge". The gavel dropped an Jamie was locked in a jail pod at Fayette County Courthouse, Vandalia, Illinois. Crashing from a meth high, Jamie contemplated suicide.
From Meth to Life - one cell at a time is a story of a life supernaturally rebuilt at the cellular level both physically and spiritually.
"I have been rescued not arrested", says Jamie."I know God put me here to keep me from destroying my life".
Jamie Nash was released from prison for meth and gun possession charges on February 18, 2009. He is a log export buyer and shares his message of freedom through Christ with everyone.
Schedule Jamie to Speak at Your Event
Through his Five Steps to Freedom, Jamie shares what he learned through the Holy Scriptures on how to get free from addiction and stay free. His first-hand experience with the consequences of drug abuse is a wake-up call to those who are caught in its snare and well worth the time to listen to his story.
Order Jamie's
2nd Book!
Through his Five Steps to Freedom, Jamie shares what he learned through the Holy Scriptures on how to get free from addiction and stay free. His first-hand experience with the consequences of drug abuse is a wake-up call to those who are caught in its snare and well worth the time to listen to his story.
This is a great book for your addiction recovery group!
Jamie Nash
In his debut book, From Meth to Life one cell at a time, Jamie takes readers into the Illinois penal system, documenting the cell-to-cell process of a supernatural physical and spiritual healing during his five year sentence.
​During his last prison term (2004-2009), he completed the Hope Aglow Bible study course and the Emmaus Bible study course. Upon his release from prison, Jamie completed the Celebrate Recovery course at Riverside Community Church in Peoria, Illinois.
Jamie was ordained in November 2011 through Impact Ministries International.
Today, Jamie volunteers as a teacher and co-sponsor of New Vessels support groups with Pastor Rick Beal of Broken Pots Ministry, Inc. in Macomb, Illinois. This book, Five Steps to Freedom is part of their curriculum. Jamie is an active board member with World Leaders Association founded and headed by his cousin and mentor, Steven Nash.