infusing hope ~ imparting knowledge ~ instilling courage
December 2018
In his second book, Five Steps to Freedom from addiction, oppression and despair, Jamie Nash shares the steps he took to get released from a prison of his own making. Locked inside the Illinois prison system for meth and gun charges, Jamie realized he would never be truly free from what put him there just by serving time. He had to choose to be free in his mind and heart.
If you dig a hole you can very easily fall in. I dug a big hole and
fell hard. Instead of despair, l chose freedom. — Jamie Nash
Addiction can take on many forms and hide in many faces, but it all leads to slavery. If you're imprisoned by a mindset, a habit, a negative attitude or anything that keeps you from living a life of peace and joy, take these five steps toward your freedom today.
We use Jamie’s second book, Five Steps to Freedom, as a text for our New Vessels support groups. His speaking offers hope to residents on what the power of Jesus Christ can do in one’s life.
— Reverend Rick Beal, D.MinC, BCPC, ARS, Broken Pots Ministry, Inc.
​ Jamie Nash was released from prison in Illinois for meth and gun possession charges on February 18, 2009. His meth use began in 1988 and ended at his sentence hearing in 2005. Delivered miraculously from 17 years of meth use, Jamie Nash is in the 2% of former meth users who have not again succumbed to its addicting death grip. He tells his story in his book, From Meth to Life – one cell at a time, available for sale on his website or any retail bookseller*.
Purchase Jamie's new book, Five Steps to Freedom online:
To Order "From Meth to Life" Book . . .
Order Jamie's first book from him directly or through your local bookstore. Just jot down this information and take it with you:
Title: From Meth to Life - one cell at a time
Author: Jamie Nash
Publisher: JNash Books
ISBN: 9780615356815
Book Ordering & Scheduling ​
January 2010
In his debut book, From Meth to Life – one cell at a time, Jamie Nash shares his miraculous deliverance from a 17-year meth addiction and his journey back to God through his incarceration in the Illinois penal system.
Jamie Nash was released from prison in Illinois for meth and gun possession charges on February 18, 2009. His meth use began in 1988 and ended at his sentence hearing in 2005. Delivered miraculously from 17 years of meth use, Jamie Nash is in the 2% of former meth users who have not again succumbed to its addicting death grip. He tells his story in his book, From Meth to Life – one cell at a time, available for sale on his website or any retail bookseller*.
Now Jamie speaks at churches and conferences to educate those who need to understand the mind of the addict and those incarcerated for such crimes. Pastors, ministers, parents and loved ones of addicts are encouraged to hear Jamie’s priceless message of hope and his 5 Steps to Freedom.
Schedule Jamie to conduct his conference: Full Pardon for Pros & Cons – How to Minister to Prodigals and Convicts at your location by calling: 641-295-1005.