infusing hope ~ imparting knowledge ~ instilling courage

Jamie's Books/DVD
Five Steps to Freedom
from addiction, oppression and despair
Book $9 / DVD $20
From Meth to Life
one cell at a time
Book $15
Books+DVD Bundle $35
A $44 Value!

T-Shirts $20
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Book/DVD/T-Shirt Bundle $45
A $64 Value!
Mary Kay Elledge . . . "I encourage anyone who has the chance to read this book to please do so, it is well worth it!!!"
I recently read the book “FromMeth to Life—one cell at a time.”
From the minute I started reading, I could not put the book down. This was the first time I had ever read a book that someone I knew had written.
Jamie’s story was very touching to me, because as a young adult I myself had experimented with meth. Thankfully, God turned my life around before I had to go through any of the things that Jamie mentions in his book.
In this book Jamie is so open and honest about everything that he experienced in prison, the good and the bad. I felt like I was sitting in the next cell going on this journey with him. He clearly wrote this book from the heart and you can tell that God was with him all the way.
I currently work for Jamie and his wife and they have truly been a blessing to me. They want to reach out to people who are going through what Jamie has went through, or to reach out to them before it gets that bad.
Jamie’s testimony is for everyone not just addicts or inmates, it will touch your heart and show you how amazing our God is and how he will change your life if you just believe in him and have faith.
​David Mahon . . . "​This story has potential to touch many lives."
​“From Meth to Life” was given to me the first day that my son and I began working for Jamie Nash.
​My first impression of Jamie was refreshing in comparison to that of others that I have worked for. Just knew there was something good. So when he handed me the book and I saw the cover, my curiosity was strong.​ ​My stereotype of a prisoner did not match my early (or current) judgment of Jamie’s character. I had a feeling that this was an interesting story, so I began reading that evening.
​It was more than interesting and I found it difficult to put down. I never realized that walking with Christ Jesus is not so uncommon with the souls serving time in prison.
​I began to feel the pain of completely losing control of one’s life such as Jamie’s before prison. I learned that the prisons described, were much different than my estimates. I saw that the most important choices man can make, happened for some in prison cells. Loving God and leading others to Christ.
​Jamie’s story and the way it was presented in this book draws interest on several levels.
First, there is a revealing account of day to day life inside several prisons.
​Secondly, I believe that the reader will experience the gripping judgment. Yes, the consequences of breaking laws are real and totally out of the control of the law breaker. He can’t back up and undo the damage.
​Third, is the interesting and unpredictable movement of one person from cell to cell and the mechanics of the penal system.
​Most importantly, there are profound lessons to be learned by all. Patience and trust might be very difficult for many Christians.
​The good examples presented in the book surely evoke a closer look at each reader’s life.​The many references to scripture will touch even the hearts of those who may not know Christ yet. And those, mostly youth, who have not strayed from the path of righteousness may solidify reasoning to stay on course.
​I believe that this book will convict those walking with Christ to include the incarcerated in their ministry.
​I am convinced that this book should be made into a movie for the reasons stated above. The book was written in a way that allows the reader to feel the pain as well as the triumphs. A movie could include flash backs to both good and bad influences on Jamie’s life; those who cared for and guided Jamie and the choices that landed him in court.
What Readers are Saying About Jamie's 1st Book ...
William Clark . . . "A powerful message"
This book clearly depicts how a very addictive drug in todays society can possess a man's soul. It does a very good job of telling the story of Jamie's eventual rise from meth addiction through the power and grace our Lord and Savior. A powerful message that is a must read for anyone who has had to endure the pain and destruction of any addiction themselves or by anyone dear to them.
C. C. Semick . . . "schedule him to speak at your group - lives will be changed!"
When I first met with Jamie to discuss writing his book I was struck most by the fact that he was alive. Seventeen years on meth is a flat-out miracle--nothing short of the grace of God! Obviously, God has big plans for this man and I'm honored to be a part of it. Get his book, read it, then book him to speak at your group--lives will be changed!
~ Cheryl Courtney Semick, Jamie's Co-Author
Pastor Jack Levine . . . "It's raw, down and dirty and painfully true - this book is a life-changer!"
Jamie Nash's book "From Meth To Life - one Cell at a Time" touched my heart in ways that few others ever had. Little did I know God would use it to shake my heart and speak to my soul about my own life and what I was willing to surrender to build the Kingdom of God.
Direct and to the point, this real life, day-to-day account of Jamie's life before, during and after prison, highlights the miraculous life-transforming powers of Jesus. It is an awesome testimony to what God can accomplish through a life surrendered and lived for Him. We walk with Jamie through his struggles, his life experiences and finally his beautiful and complete surrender to live for Jesus.
God changed Jamie's life as only God can, and is using him as a mighty witness to many lost souls in and out of prison. His life is a ministry, as he lives to spread the good news of Jesus Christ so that others may experience the washing, cleansing, forgiveness of sins, and love that can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus.
Speaking to churches, jailhouse prisoners and anyone who will listen about the amazing, life changing news of our Lord Jesus, Jamie lives clinging to God's words of truth for every believer in Romans 8:28, believing Jesus works for good in all things.
Jamie's message of hope and deliverance is an inspiration for any hurting soul and a model for believers to "surrender all" to Jesus. I still get choked up just thinking about His life and his story. It's raw, down and dirty and painfully true, but I get excited and joyful thinking about his future and how God continues to use him mightily to share the love of Jesus.
Jamie literally lives and models what God wants every believers response to be to James chapter 1, as God tells us to "consider it pure joy when we face trails and sufferings of many kinds". God tells us He is using those trials to strengthen us and mature us, so that our joy will be complete and we will lack nothing. Jamie believed God. So should we! It is my honor to recommend Jamie's book. Read it and you will be blessed and inspired. This book is a life changer!
Jack Alan Levine
Author "Don't Blow It With God" and
"Where the Rubber Meets the Road with God"
Founder Voice of God Ministry, Inc.