infusing hope ~ imparting knowledge ~ instilling courage
What Pastors Say About Jamie Nash . . .
Pastor Rick Beal, D.MinC, BCPC, ARS
Broken Potts Ministry, Inc.
Macomb, Illinios
I first met Jamie Nash in person (I was familiar with him from his television program on the Christian network CTN-WTJR) at a minister's conference on Memorial Day of 2015. He spoke right after me at the first of the afternoon session. We immediately became good friends and I consider him a dear brother in Christ. We keep in contact daily and minister together on a regular basis.
Brother Jamie is a guest speaker at some of the jail facilities that we minister in, and is a co-sponsor of our New Vessels support groups for former incarcerated ones and ones with addictive behaviors. He has, free-of-charge, supplied our support groups, jails and prison ministry with hundreds, if not thousands, of his book, From Meth to Life - one cell at a time. We use his second book, Five Steps to Freedom as a text in our New Vessels support groups.
Jamie speaks with me on a regular basis at the Saturday night Devotionals at First Fruits Mission Bible Training Center in Jerseyville, Illinois. His book is read widely at the Center and, along with his speaking, offers hope to the residents on what the power of Jesus Christ can do in one's life. Himself, going from the most-wanted list, meth cook and addict, to a powerful ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Brother Jamie would like to tour, speak at and freely distribute both of his books to all of the Mission Teen Centers. I wholeheartedly endorse Jamie in this pursuit. I feel that his speaking at the Saturday night Devotionals and the usage of his book during the daily, 11:40AM, Reading & Counseling hour would be of great benefit to all the Mission Bible Training Centers (MBTC) residents.
​Rick Beal
​​​Rev. Jim Jacques
Bayliss Baptist Church
Bayliss Illinois
​​Christian greetings,
This letter is in regard to Jamie Nash. I've known Jamie since 1994. I have personally seen him go from being on top to falling into the gutter. Jamie has gone through the school of hard knocks and it is a joy to see how God has transformed this man into the person that he is today. He is now on the right path, serving the Lord. His walk matches his talk. He has a desire to share his testimony anywhere he can and that is just what he is doing.Jamie Nash came to the Baylis Baptist Church in July of 2011. He shared his testimony during our Sunday morning service.
Jamie did an outstanding job relating his experience and intermingling scripture with his testimony. My people were touched and amazed by what Jamie had gone through. It's a wonderful testament to the saving grace of God and has given hope to the parents of children and the many friends that are caught up in that life style that, "if God did it for Jamie, He can do it for you!"
Jamie comes with a humble spirit and a passion to share the love and power of Jesus. He spoke in such a way to bring more glory to God then the devil. Another thing that I enjoyed about Bro. Nash is that he shared his story, he didn't come to the church with a denomination, because this testimony can be shared in any church.
I highly recommend Jamie Nash to come to your church so he can share how God has saved, delivered and set a man free from a lifestyle of drugs, prison, gangs and everything that surrounds that life.
In His Service,
Jim Jacques
Bishop Raymond Bettis
Knoxville Church of God, Knoxville IA
October 20, 2017
I have known Jamie Nash for 8-1/2 years. Jamie is a compassionate man with a passion for the ministry and for the harvest. He has a deep love for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jamie has preached for me on occasion, and has held a revival for me. He is very knowledgeable about the Bible, having read and studied extensively. He is always willing and eager to share his testimony and love for God to all who will listen.
Jamie is a dedicated family man, devoted to his wife and children. He is also an accomplished and published author. He runs a family-owned business near his home, carrying on the work his family has done for several generations.
I would like to highly recommend James "Jamie" Nash to be involved in your church in the ministry.
Bishop Raymond Bettis
Pastor Jack Levine
October 30, 2011
Jamie Nash's book "From Meth To Life - one Cell at a Time" touched my heart in ways that few others ever had. Little did I know God would use it to shake my heart and speak to my soul about my own life and what I was willing to surrender to build the Kingdom of God.
Direct and to the point, this real life, day-to-day account of Jamie's life before, during and after prison, highlights the miraculous life-transforming powers of Jesus. It is an awesome testimony to what God can accomplish through a life surrendered and lived for Him. We walk with Jamie through his struggles, his life experiences and finally his beautiful and complete surrender to live for Jesus.
God changed Jamie's life as only God can, and is using him as a mighty witness to many lost souls in and out of prison. His life is a ministry, as he lives to spread the good news of Jesus Christ so that others may experience the washing, cleansing, forgiveness of sins, and love that can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus.
Speaking to churches, jailhouse prisoners and anyone who will listen about the amazing, life changing news of our Lord Jesus, Jamie lives clinging to God's words of truth for every believer in Romans 8:28, believing Jesus works for good in all things.
Jamie's message of hope and deliverance is an inspiration for any hurting soul and a model for believers to "surrender all" to Jesus. I still get choked up just thinking about His life and his story. It's raw, down and dirty and painfully true, but I get excited and joyful thinking about his future and how God continues to use him mightily to share the love of Jesus.
Jamie literally lives and models what God wants every believers response to be to James chapter 1, as God tells us to "consider it pure joy when we face trails and sufferings of many kinds". God tells us He is using those trials to strengthen us and mature us, so that our joy will be complete and we will lack nothing. Jamie believed God. So should we! It is my honor to recommend Jamie's book. Read it and you will be blessed and inspired. This book is a life changer!
Jack Alan Levine
Author "Don't Blow It With God" and
"Where the Rubber Meets the Road with God"
Founder, Voice of God Ministry, Inc.
Pastor Quentin T. Beard
October 7, 2010
Dear Fellow Pastor,
Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer! The reason I am writing this letter is to recommend the ministry of Jamie Nash. We have not had the privilege of scheduling him yet, but I have personally sat down with him and have heard his powerful story of salvation & deliverance only by the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
Jamie and his wife, Regina are faithful attenders of our church and I believe they will be a blessing to you and your church. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pastorqtb@hotmail.com.
Quentin T. Beard